Worldwide Impact


Do you want to build with Habitat for Humanity in another country (or somewhere else in the U.S.)? Our affiliate leads at least two trips per year to other Habitat for Humanity locations that welcome teams. Locations have included Paraguay, Jordan, Guatemala, Vietnam and Nepal as well as Florida where there?s still work to be done to fully recover from Hurricane Irma.

Why go? Be part of Habitat’s global village, do something significant, learn about another culture, and build relationships with the families there as well as with your traveling team.

What do we build? Often we build new homes but sometimes we’ve built latrines and energy-efficient & cost-effective cookstoves.

How long are the trips? Generally, 7-10 days depending on the location. We build Monday through Friday.

How much do trips cost? Generally, $1,000 – $2,000 plus airfare depending on the location (less in the U.S.).

How big are the teams? Generally 8-16 people.

What if I want to go on a global Habitat trip that isn’t led by our local affiliate? Click here for a list of current trips open to the general public. If you go on one of those trips, we’d love to know.

How do I get more information? Contact Sarah Lindsey, Faith Engagement Manager at Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity via email or at 970-488-2606.