What is a Hometown Hero?

?Thankful? is the theme of November, it seems, and we are thankful for the many partners who make our work possible. There are some partners, though, who truly go above and beyond?their compassion, leadership, and willingness to ?roll up their sleeves? for Habitat goes unmatched by many.

This year, more than ever, we are grateful for partners who transform our work?which is why we have created an annual ?Hometown Hero? award in recognition of an outstanding supporter that touches every single facet of what we do?construction, philanthropy, global builds, ReStore, events, and more. This year we are honored to present the first-ever Hometown Hero award to our partners at Hot Corner Concepts (HCC.) HCC are the heart and soul behind local favorites like Austin’s, Moot House, Comet Chicken and Big Al’s.?

Please check out our
Facebook page for more information on how this amazing partner has supported Habitat, and given over $1 million to local nonprofits since 1988.


A Hometown Hero must touch every facet of Habitat’s work–and that’s a lot of facets! Check out the graphic linked below to see all of the factors that play a role in this decision.


We invite our Habitat friends to join us in celebrating our Hometown Heroes by offering congratulations and support. In this year’s case, supporting Hot Corner is an easy (and yummy) decision!


This will become an annual award that acknowledges great partners within Habitat’s community. If you would like to nominate someone for this award, please email us below with information on how this business meets our criteria!