Make a Gift Through Your Will or Living Trust
One simple and flexible way to ensure that your legacy of supporting affordable homeownership continues for years to come is by making a gift in your will or living trust, known as a charitable bequest. You may share the suggested language below with your attorney:
I hereby bequeath to Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity (Federal Tax ID# 84-1217901) –a charitable organization duly existing under the laws of Colorado and located in Fort Collins, Colorado ___% of the remainder of my estate [or $__ , if specific amount] to be used in the areas of greatest need as the board of directors may determine.
Create Your Free Will Online
Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity has partnered with FreeWill to help you get started planning for your future.
- FreeWill is a safe and secure way to write a legal will in 20 minutes or less – for free! For a simple estate, print your legal will to be signed and witnessed. If you have a more complex estate, the same tool will help you document your wishes to finalize with an attorney.
- By creating a legacy gift in your will, you will continue to support building homes and hope with Habitat. Simply specify within your estate the amount or percentage you wish to leave Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity – your gift will support stable and affordable homeownership for years to come!
- Rest assured knowing that your plans are in order and your loved ones are taken care of.
Stay in Touch
Once you have made your legacy gift, please let us know! We would like the opportunity to thank you personally and have you join our Legacy Builders Club. Please contact Mara Johnson, Chief Development Officer, at 970-488-2603 or mjohnson@fortcollinshabitat.org.