If you are looking to get involved as a Faith Builder, please contact Sarah Lindsey, Faith Engagement Manager, at slindsey@fortcollinshabitat.org or 970-488-2606.

Our work at Habitat for Humanity is fueled by faith. Join us in prayer, meditation, or thoughtfulness as we trust that everything that’s needed will be provided so that more individuals and families will be able to find stability through housing. The needs are:
- For the 10,000 families locally who can’t afford decent housing
- For the future homebuyer who is working on their sweat equity

Serving with Habitat for Humanity is a great way to connect with others in your community and put your faith into action! There are opportunities for groups, individuals, and even youth. Volunteer:
- At the construction site, ReStore, or at fundraising events
- To make or bring lunches to our on-site volunteers
- As a youth group
- As a Faith-in-Action Champion for your faith organization

Habitat for Humanity is an international organization that helps to put an end to poverty housing around the world. Join us in making an impact for individuals and families in another country or another state in the U.S.
- Go on a global Faith Builders trip to build in one of 40 countries where Habitat builds
- Go on a domestic Faith Builders trip to help rebuild after a disaster

Your generosity helps to make homeownership a reality for individuals and families in our community creating strength, stability, and self-reliance through shelter.
- Funds as a sponsor or co-sponsor to help build a home for a local family. Contact Sarah for more information about our sponsorship opportunities
- As a faith-filled individual to support our current faith build.
- Land for a new ReStore or space for administrative offices
- Items to the ReStore
For more information, please contact Sarah Lindsey, Faith Engagement Manager at 970-488-2606 or slindsey@fortcollinshabitat.org.