S.T.E.M. Learning

S.T.E.M. Learning

Habitat for Humanity STEM Learning Alex, Communications Manager, Fort Collins, CO 10 October 2017 STEM Learning = Hands-on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math education. We are thrilled to be able to increase our impact on the community by creating STEM Learning...
Meet Our Partner Families

Meet Our Partner Families

Habitat for Humanity Meet Our Partner Families Alex, Communications Manager, Fort Collins, CO 10 October 2017 Meet Leigh Meet Chris Meet Danielle and Anthony Meet Hayley Meet Roberta Meet Maria Meet Jeff and Olga Meet Natasha Meet Iman Meet Lorraine Meet Becky Meet...
Zia Family Dedication

Zia Family Dedication

Habitat for Humanity Zia Family Home Dedication Alex, Communications Manager, Fort Collins, CO 12 October 2017 Join us as we celebrate the dedication of the Zia Family Home, sponsored by Thrivent Financial and Stone Soup...